New White Paper - Developing a Chart of Accounts for Federal Contracting Compliance: Requirements and Recommendations



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Importing Partial Timesheet Periods Into PROCAS

As government contractors, it can be difficult to map your employee pay periods to the required billing cycles for invoicing your contracts. The most common pay periods tend to be semi-monthly or bi-weekly, which are easy for employees to understand. However, what happens when your client demands that you bill them every week? Or every […]

Automated Client Receipts in PROCAS

1. Intro Sessions                                                                     (0:00 – 1:09) 2. Accounts Receivable Report                            […]

Utilizing PROCAS to Help Streamline your 1099 Process

Every January, accounting staff & business owners walk into the same old confusing process as they wake up from their holiday slumbers… *Grabs coffee and begins annual research* “What is a 1099 again?” “How do I determine who should receive a 1099?” “What are the different types of 1099s that need to be reported?” “Ok… (takes […]

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