New White Paper - Developing a Chart of Accounts for Federal Contracting Compliance: Requirements and Recommendations



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Expense Reporting Designed for DCAA Compliance

Recording expense reports related to government contract work can be a complex process, especially when it comes to travel expenses at home and abroad. In PROCAS, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) per diem rates and rules are built in and automatically updated, eliminating manual effort and risk of error. Companies benefit from improved invoice turnaround while employees see quicker reimbursements.

PROCAS Expense Reporting Benefits Include:


Users only see charge codes that apply to them and can attach receipts electronically


Reminder emails ensure timely expense report submission and approval with electronic signatures. Mileage rates are admin controlled, and per diem rates are automatically calculated


Setup information from accounting flows directly to expense reporting, and expense report information flows directly into financial transactions, reducing redundant work. Multiple levels of approval can accommodate your company’s structure


Easily view expense report statuses and send approval reminders. The approval process can be completed line by line

DCAA Compliance by Design

We’ll guide your company to meet the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) compliance requirements. The software was developed specifically for service-based government contractors, providing financial insight to make informed business decisions. Save valuable time with a streamlined implementation, preconfigured with setup information to meet DCAA requirements. We also understand that your company is unique and will work with you to customize the setup process around your specific needs.
expense reporting

Interested in Learning More?

Talk to our software consultants to learn how PROCAS can support your government contracting business. Find out how PROCAS scales with your company’s growth and leverages integrations to streamline your business processes.

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